Monday, January 28, 2008

Prison Rape Board Game?

The article below my signature is from CJonline. The son of Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius has created and is marketing a board game about prison rape, called "Don't Drop the Soap".

America's a free country and he has the right to create whatever dumb offensive games he wants to create. That doesn't mean we have to sit by and do nothing, either. Rape is not a joke, and it's dispicable that someone would try to make a profit by making a game about it, much less calling it "entertainment".

This guy is the son of the Governor of Kansas. She (Governor Sebelius) is supporting her son's efforts to market this game, even defending it. If he made a board game about raping women and called it "Entertainment", would she be so supportive of him then?

Considering the numbers of people who have been released from prison after being found innocent due to prosecutor misconduct, false accusations, fabricated evidence, and other issues in the justice system, the creation of this game becomes even more despicable.

Rape isn't a game, and it's not funny when anyone is raped, whether they are a woman or a man. Instead of supporting her son's efforts to profit from a despicable game, Governor Sebelius should be educating him on how prison rape is every bit as serious and harmful as other forms of rape.

Thomas A. Lessman

Article: Sebelius' son sells game out of Cedar Crest
By Tim Hrenchir, the Topeka Capital-Journal. Date: 1-26-2008
Source URL:

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Chuck Adkins, the Bitchboy who hates Ron Paul

On Men's News Daily and Blogwonks, there is a writer who calls himself "Chuck Adkins", who apparently hates Ron Paul as much as the columnist who anonymously calls himself "Rogue Jew".

Both of these columnists will stoop to ANY low it takes to keep Ron Paul from getting elected. Aparently they hate integrity and honesty so much that they draft BS distortions about Ron Paul supposedly being racist, homophobic, etc. (Rest assured, Ron Paul is NOT either of those, and he has 100 times the integrity and honesty of ANY of the other politicians running for president).

But Chuck Adkins takes it so personally, he stooped to calling me a "bald headed four eyed freak" when I called him out on his lies. Then to top it off, Adkins actually deleted our whole exchange, probably after realizing his own words exposed how stupid he actually sounds making those false accusations against Ron Paul.

I get annoyed to no end by so-called conservatives (actually they are pseudo-conservatives) who whine about the tactics used by Feminists and liberals, then turn around and use those same tactics to stop a real man of integrity, like Ron Paul.

Chuck Adkins is just another hate-mongering moronic trash journalist, and it seems Blogwonks is getting overrun by these pathetic pieces of wannabe-media.

Thomas Lessman

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Mens News Daily

For a long time now, I've been a supporter of a site called "Mens News Daily", which is a right-wing, alternate news source for men.

Many of the columnists on that site are great columnists, including Dave Usher, Jim Kouri, Carey Roberts, and Glenn Sacks, among others.

Some of the columnists are little better than the left-wing trash journalists they claim to hate. In particular is a columnists known only as "the Rogue Jew". I honestly thought for the longest time that the "Rogue Jew" was a satire column, making fun of things in a negative way. Thus I didn't usually pay much attention to them.

Until recently. It seems the "Rogue Jew" has taken it upon himself (herself?) to start calling presidential candidate Ron Paul a racist and white supremacist. They provide no proof of their claims, except to say that KKK members are the biggest donaters to his campaign. Again, they show no proof, only making up baseless allegations that would make any feminist blush with excitement.

When I attempted to question these false allegations against Ron Paul, the site's owner, Mike LaSalle, deleted my comments outright. It seems that the owner of Men's News Daily thinks it is okay to spread false allegations against a great presidential candidate, but not okay to question those making the false allegations.

What a shame. It seems that Men's News Daily, formerly a good bastion of news that you wouldn't see in mainstream media, has now become a right-wing version of the very feminist media it claims to hate. How sad...

For the record, Ron Paul is NOT a racist, and he is the last great hope for America to return to its roots of freedom and liberty for all. Remember, only freedom will return America to its roots, not shoddy journalism!


Thomas Lessman