Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Is Topeka Really So Bad?

(Kudos to CJonline's Ric Anderson, who is challenging readers to submit stories about what is GOOD about Topeka. His article is here: (http://blogs.cjonline.com/index.php?entry=7134)

Some people complain about Topeka a LOT, saying there's nothing to do around here, or that Topeka is SO boring, or is just such a terrible place to live. But what gets me about those people who just complain about Topeka is that they have a glossy blank stare when you ask them HOW to make it better.

There are actually quite a few of good things about Topeka. And Shawnee County too! All you have do do is just look around...

Lake Shawnee has so much going on that it's one of the best features of the area. A big lake for boating, camp grounds, a great walking trail, golf, paddle boats, ball diamonds, playgrounds, and plenty more.

Speaking of walking trails, not only is the one at Lake Shawnee a great one, but so is the new Shunga Trail, which goes through most of Topeka. Another cool (unofficial) trail is the levee system along the river. Walk from Oakland to Tecumseh!

Truckhenge, just east of Billard Airport, is a cool grassroots art park that also has the best-stocked Catfish pond in the state. See the website at www.thomaslessman.com/LessmanFarm/

Those are only a FEW of the good things about Topeka. Seriously, just look around and you'll see so many things you hadn't thought of...


Thomas Lessman
Website: http://www.thomaslessman.com/
Blog: http://www.talessman.blogspot.com/

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